Hiring A Lawyer
Many people ask the question why hire a lawyer if you do not have a case in hand. If you are one of these people, then think of this: If you find yourself in a police lineup or being questioned for a serious crime you committed, then what will you do? One of the first things you may want to do is contact your lawyer or ask for public defense if you know you have done something wrong. You know if you have been accused of a serious crime, you may need an attorney. What about when the situation is not frightening? While it is easy to think that a lawyer is only needed in severe cases, there are number of less drastic situations when the help of a lawyer is needed. These are the situations average, law-abiding people find themselves in and if they do not call on the help of a lawyer, they may find themselves in a much worse situation than necessary.
It could be true that, before you even got married you thought about divorce. While it may have been a fleeting thought and you thought it would never happen to you with more than half of all marriages ending in divorce, most people stand at least a chance of ending up in divorce court. If things in your marriage have gone wrong and you think it might get ugly, you need a lawyer. Any time you own joint property, have children or believe you may …